Bulk import images

If you are putting together a large image gallery, it is going to be easier to upload and import your images in bulk.

In order to import images into a gallery, you'll first need them in a folder within the Unicity Image Browser. If you've already got your images uploaded, you can skip this step.

You can access the Image Browser through the Files and Media menu > Image Management:

Create a new folder for your gallery, you will want to organise your images so you may want to put a folder inside another folder. 

To create a new folder, click the New folder link in the top right hand corner, and give your folder a name:


Folders should be named in lower case, without spaces and special characters, except for hyphens. If you try to use a file name or folder name that doesn't meet this requirement, it will be adjusted automatically.

Unicity CMS supports drag and drop image uploads, depending on your browser and operating system, you should be able to upload 20 or more images at once, by dragging them from a folder on your computer into the folder in the Unicity Image Browser.

Once you have all the images you want in a folder, go to the Galleries App.

There are two ways you can start a bulk import, depending on what screen you are on.

From the Galleries App main screen:

From the drop down menu, select the Bulk import option:

When editing a gallery:

From the image list, click the Bulk import images button:

Select the folder you've uploaded the images to from the drop down box, and then click the Continue button:

All the images from that folder will be imported into the gallery, and you'll be taken to the gallery edit screen to make any changes.

The images will already be saved, you can either Save or Cancel if you don't want to make any further changes.

If you'd like to add captions to any of the photos, this can be done by selecting the image from the Images tab on the right.

You can also reorder the images from this screen by dragging and dropping the images: