Uploading images

It's easy to upload images to Unicity CMS from your computer, either one at a time, or in bulk.

Images are uploaded through the image browser. This comes up when you browse for an image within an editor window in Unicity CMS or when you select an image field. You can also manage images at any time from the Image Management function on the Files and Media menu:

Uploading multiple images

If you've got multiple images you wish to use on your website, it will be much easier to upload them in bulk, rather than doing it one by one. You can do this by dragging and dropping images from a folder on your computer, onto the Unicity Image Browser.

Open up the Unicity Image Browser, and separately open a folder up on your computer, in your File Explorer:

Select the folder you wish to upload images to from the file tree on the left hand side:

Then highlight the images from your File Explorer window, click and drag them over the Unicity Image Browser. You'll see a dotted green line when you are over the drop target, and you can let go:

A progress bar will appear at the top of the screen as the files upload, when complete you will see previews of them in the folder.

Uploading a single image

When you are in a folder in the Unicity Image Browser, you can select the Upload button at the top right:

You'll be presented with a file selection box, click the Browse button, select the file on your computer and click Upload image:

You'll be taken directly to this image, where you can edit or insert it into your page.