Unicity API

The Unicity API allows communication via RESTful API calls. All responses are in JSON format.


The API will only be available over HTTPS, and access credentials are required for all calls.

The provided access credentials shall consist of two parts: a public API_ID and a private API_KEY.

All requests to the CMS API v2 must contain the public API_ID and be signed with a signature generated using the private API_KEY. For more information on how to sign requests, please refer to the section signing requests.

Rate limiting

Rate limiting of the Unicity API is on a per API key basis, meaning each request made is tied to the API key that you have been provided with. Rate limits are divided into 1 minute intervals.

Different API calls have different rate limits. Each API response will show the rate limit for that request, and the number of requests remaining in the 1 minute window.

HTTP Methods

The Unicity API uses appropriate HTTP verbs for every action. 

  • GET - Used for retrieving data
  • POST - Used for creating records
  • PUT - Used for updating records
  • DELETE - Used for deleting records

JSON response

The API will respond with a JSON payload.

Within the JSON object will be a status property with either OK or Error.

There will also be a message property with a description of the result.

    "status" : "OK",
    "message" : "Subscriber created",

Responses will also have an appropriate HTTP Error response:

  • 200 - OK
  • 201 - Created
  • 400 - Bad request
  • 401 - Not authorised
  • 404 - Not found/invalid endpoint
  • 429 - Too many requests
  • 500 - Internal error

Request parameters

All requests require the inclusion of the following parameters.

  • api_id - The API ID is given to you with your access credentials.
  • data - The URL encoded JSON data string of parameters.
  • sig - The HMAC signature for this request.

There are currently no additional/optional parameters in use.

API Endpoints

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